| Good Morning GlobalEducation100@gmail.com! You are being blessed with the gift of laughter! Here are your 5 random jokes from Joke-Master.com for today!: |
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#1 (Category: One Liners) Q: Why did the turkey cross the road? A: To prove it wasn't a chicken.
#2 (Category: Miscellaneous) LIBRA Sep 23 - Oct 22 You are the artistic type and have a difficult time with reality. If you are a man you more than likely are queer. Chances are good for employment and monetary gains are excellent. Most Libra women are good prostitutes. All Libra's die of Venereal Disease.
#3 (Category: One Liners) In looking at a drop of water under a microscope, we find there are twice as many H's as O's.
#4 (Category: Miscellaneous) Things You'll Never Hear A Man Say:
- Here honey, you use the remote.
- You know, I'd like to see her again, but her breasts are just too big.
- Ooh, Antonio Banderas AND Brad Pitt? That's one movie I gotta see!
- While I'm up, can I get you anything?
- Honey since we don't have anything else planned, will you go to the wallpaper store with me?
- Why don't you go to the mall with me and help me pick out a pair of shoes?
- Aww, forget Monday night football, Let's watch Melrose Place.
- Hey let me hold your purse while you try that on.
- We never talk anymore
#5 (Category: Miscellaneous) How to Speak About Women and Be Politically Correct 1. She is not a Babe or a Chick - She is a Breasted American. 2. She is not a Screamer or Moaner - She is Vocally Appreciative. 3. She is not Easy - She is Horizontally Accessible. 4. She does not Tease or Flirt - She engages in Artificial Stimulation. 5. She is not Dumb - She is a Detour Off The Information Superhighway. 6. She has not Been Around - She is a Previously Enjoyed Companion. 7. She does not Get You Excited - She causes Temporary Blood Displacement. 8. She is not Kinky - She is a Creative Caretaker. 9. She does not have a Killer Body - She is Terminally Attactive. 10. She is not an Airhead - She is Reality Impaired. 11. She does not get Drunk or Tipsy - She gets Chemically Inconvenienced. 12. She is not Horny - She is Sexually Focused. 13. She does not have Breast Implants - She is Medically Enhanced. 14. She does not Nag You - She becomes Verbally Repetitive. 15. She is not a Slut - She is Sexually Extroverted. 16. She does not have Major League Hooters - She is Pectorally Superior. 17. She is not a Two Bit Whore - She is a Low Cost Provider.
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