| Good Morning GlobalEducation100@gmail.com! You are being blessed with the gift of laughter! Here are your 5 random jokes from Joke-Master.com for today!: |
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#1 (Category: Blonde Jokes) Why do blondes work seven days a week? So you don't have to retrain them on Monday.
#2 (Category: Miscellaneous) Q: How much does it cost to get married, Dad? A: I don't know son, I'm still paying for it.
#3 (Category: Idiot Jokes) Two friends, John & Jerry were on vacation in the isles of Fiji. While there they decided to go out fishing since hearing of the many great fishing spots. They rented a boat and left before sunrise. The sun was now shining directly down on their heads. They realized that they'd been out at sea for nearly 4 hrs. Jerry turns around and says, " So much for the great fishing spot! I think I
#4 (Category: Miscellaneous) Q: How can you tell a lawyer is lying? A: Other lawyers look interested.
Q: Why should lawyers wear lots of sunscreen when vacationing at a beach resort? A: Because they
#5 (Category: Miscellaneous) Are you harboring a fugitive- Hu Yu Hai Ding See me A.S.A.P. - Kum Hia Nao Small Horse - Tai Ni Po Ni Your price is too high - No Bai Dam Thing Did you go to the beach - Wai Yu So Tan I bumped into a coffee table - Ai Bang Mai Ni I think you need a facelift - Chin Tu Fat It's very dark in here - Wai So Dim? Has your flight been delayed? - Hao Long Wei Ting? That was an unauthorized execution.- Lin Ching I thought you were on a diet - Wai Yu Mun Ching? This is a tow away zone. - No Pah King You are not very bright - Yu So Dum I got this for free - Ai No Pei I am not guilty - Wai Hang Mi? Please, stay a while longer - Wai Go Nao? Our meeting was scheduled for next week - Wai Yu Kum Nao They have arrived - Hia Dei Kum Stay out of sight - Lei Lo He's cleaning his automobile - Wa Shing Ka Does this bathroom stink! Hu Flung Dung?
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